Enviroment: Very noisy Conversation type: Group
Understanding speech in noisy environments can be challenging for most people with hearing aids. Encanta 400 hearing aids improve speech understanding, even in the most noisy environments.
With Encanta 400, clients get all the benefits of Encanta 300, PLUS:
Optimal speech understanding and sound clarity
19% better speech understanding in group noise3

Even fuller sound
Encanta 400 offers expanded bandwidth, which ranges from 80 Hz to 10 kHz. This gives your clients access to a fuller spectrum of sounds, for a clearer, more nuanced sound experience. Clients will enjoy a more true-to-life experience at both low and high frequencies and a wider range of sound subtleties, for example with music.
Key features
Encanta 400
Bernafon Sound Quality
Encanta 400
Smart Noise Reduction
Encanta 400
Smart Directionality
Encanta 400
Smart Sensor Technology
Encanta 400
Expanded bandwidth
You can tell your clients
Encanta 400 means that no matter how noisy a situation is or how many people are involved, they’ll have the most advanced Bernafon technology to support speech understanding in any environment.
Explore the rest of the Encanta family
Encanta 100 CONNECT
Encanta 200 GO
Encanta 300 ENGAGE
Return to the Encanta family overview
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* All data were collected in a clinical trial between August and October 2023 including 25 participants with a mean age of 73 years, a mean hearing-aid usage of 12 years, and mean symmetric hearing threshold of 47dB HL (125Hz-8kHz). All data reported are significantly different from their respective reference.
1The comparison for Encanta 100 speech intelligibility (11dB SPL) is between the aided and the unaided SRT50 in quiet.
2The comparison for Encanta 200 speech intelligibility in noise (OLSA, 2.3dB SNR) is between the SRT50 obtained with and without noise management (NAL-NL2 gain targets).
3The comparison for Encanta 200, 300, and 400 (CCOLSA, 8%, 15%, 19%, respectively) is between the intelligibility obtained with and without noise management (reference Encanta 200 with NAL-NL2 gain targets).